Foods That Support Your Gut Health…
Maintaining good gut health is essential for our overall well-being, something that has very much hit home for me recently as I’ve been dealing with a particularly nasty gut bacterium myself.
Our gut microbiome affects our digestion, immunity and even our mental health, and while medication is key in treating several gut health issues, we can also ensure our diet is rich with foods that support good gut health.
By incorporating specific foods into your diet you can promote a healthy gut microbiome of your own, so I thought I would share a number of those foods and their evidence-based benefits:
Almonds: just half a cup of almonds provides about 8 grams of fibre, which is close to a third of our daily fibre requirement. Fibre rich diets have been found to improve gut health, and you will find a number of dietary options to fulfil this, in this list below.
Apples: specifically, the type of soluble fibre that apples contain called pectin. Pectin acts as a prebiotic in our gut, which means it helps our healthy gut bacteria to thrive. Most of the Pectin is found in the skin, so make sure to eat the skin too, after washing it of course.
Asparagus: asparagus contains a prebiotic fibre called inulin and inulin fosters a healthy gut microbiome. It may make your pee smell awful but it’s definitely good for your gut. It also leads to enhanced growth of Bifidobacteria and improves your digestion.
Avocado: avocados are full of fibre and a high-fibre diet, as previously mentioned, has shown to improve gut health. Fibre also promotes regular bowel movements by adding bulk to your stools.
Bananas: studies have shown that bananas are rich in resistant starch and prebiotic fibres that support good gut health by nourishing your gut bacteria. Regular consumption increases beneficial bacteria and reduces bloating.
Beets: our body converts dietary nitrates to nitric oxide to improve our blood flow and circulation and beets are rich in dietary nitrates. In addition to this, fermented (pickled) beets contain beneficial probiotics that nourish your gut, so a two-for-one bonus.
Berries: berries are loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols, and polyphenols have been shown to reduce inflammation in the gut and even help protect against colon cancer. The 3rd most common cancer in men and 2nd most common in women, globally.
Dark Chocolate: dark chocolate isn’t just good for its hyperpalatable flavour. It is high in polyphenols and can positively influence your gut bacteria composition. A gut-health scientist even recommends 85% dark chocolate as a high-fibre snack that supports gut health.
Garlic: garlic is another food which contains prebiotic fibres that stimulate the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and supports good gut health. Similar to Asparagus, it increases levels of Bifidobacteria, and it also suppresses harmful bacteria.
Kefir: kefir is a fermented milk product that combines kefir grains (containing yeast and good bacteria) and milk products. Kefir contains probiotics and nutrients that support digestive and gut health.
Kimchi: kimchi is more than a spicy, flavoursome, fermented dish from Korea that benefits your gut health. Research has shown that kimchi has a positive effect on gut microbiota and gastrointestinal well-being. Regular consumption is linked to reduced gut inflammation markers.
Lentils: lentils act as prebiotics and fuel the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Studies have shown that lentils can help to reduce inflammation and support the regulation of your blood sugar and overall gut health thanks to their protein, fibre and antioxidants.
Oats: oats are also great for your gut health and contain beta-glucan. This fibre acts as a prebiotic, nourishing your beneficial gut bacteria and improving your overall gut health
Onions: research indicates that onions are high in inulin and fructooligosaccharides, which act as prebiotics and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and improve gut health.
Sauerkraut: fermented foods like sauerkraut are probiotic-rich and can benefit your gut. They are loaded with lactic acid bacteria, which can enhance the diversity of your gut flora. Specifically, consuming sauerkraut can increase the abundance of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacilli.
Wholegrains: wholegrains boost your gut health by improving your gut microbiota diversity. Participants of a randomised study with wholegrains, showed increased levels of beneficial bacteria and an improved immune response.
Walnuts: walnuts are yet another source of fibre and bioactive compounds that support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. A study found that a walnut-rich diet altered the gut microbiome in a positive way, leading to greater production of short-chain fatty acids like Butyrate. SCFAs are known to help reduce inflammation in the gut while promoting a healthy and strong gut lining.
Yoghurt: yoghurt is rich in probiotics, and introduces beneficial bacteria into your gut, enhancing microbial balance. A study from Stanford University found that a diet high in fermented foods, like yoghurt, increased your microbiome diversity and decreased inflammatory markers.
That is eighteen different options you can add to your diet to help support good gut health and enhance your microbial balance. Of course, if you have allergies or intolerances then you may need to avoid some, but there should be enough for you to choose at least one or two.
I have also included references below for you to view at your leisure and as always, any questions please get in touch or book your free consult here.
Colorectal cancer - World Cancer Report - NCBI Bookshelf
PMID: 27998788, PMID: 17311983, PMID: 31043907, PMID: 34277110, PMID: 33007941
PMID: 28179226, PMID: 27384318, PMID: 20679230, PMID: 23609775
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No the aim of the program is to transform the way you look, feel & perform whilst allowing you to continue to eat the foods you love and have the flexibility to lead a balanced lifestyle.
The goal of the program is to also give you the knowledge and key tools so that you aren't reliant on a coach for the rest of your life. We will educate you throughout the whole process to make sure that you understand the reasons behind the methods used throughout your program. That said, we do have a members area for ongoing support and you are always welcome back for further coaching when looking to achieve new goals that you want our support for.
You will have 1-1 communication with your coach for support whenever you require it. In addition to this you will also have a checkin each week to review your progress and make sure that you're consistently progressing every single week.
We actually suggest that you do! We will educate you on the principles needed to give you the flexibility to continue to enjoy all of the foods that you love whilst achieving word class results.
Your commitment will depend on your goals and your plan will be designed to fit around both your schedule and the equipment that you have available. What works for one client doesn't necessarily work for another, which is why all programs are personalised to each client.
"7 Tips to Developing a Growth Mindset"
No the aim of the program is to transform the way you look, feel & perform whilst allowing you to continue to eat the foods you love and have the flexibility to lead a balanced lifestyle.
The goal of the program is to also give you the knowledge and key tools so that you aren't reliant on a coach for the rest of your life. We will educate you throughout the whole process to make sure that you understand the reasons behind the methods used throughout your program. That said, we do have a members area for ongoing support and you are always welcome back for further coaching when looking to achieve new goals that you want our support for.
You will have 1-1 communication with your coach for support whenever you require it. In addition to this you will also have a checkin each week to review your progress and make sure that you're consistently progressing every single week.
We actually suggest that you do! We will educate you on the principles needed to give you the flexibility to continue to enjoy all of the foods that you love whilst achieving word class results.
Your commitment will depend on your goals and your plan will be designed to fit around both your schedule and the equipment that you have available. What works for one client doesn't necessarily work for another, which is why all programs are personalised to each client.
"7 Tips to Developing a Growth Mindset"